The Ultimate Glitch
A short.

Many terms accompany the presence of the first Americans on the continent such as the first American, American-Indian (Indian-American), Indian (only), Native American (Indigenous people of America), and to the extent use the term of their tribe origin / based on their predecessors (recorded) as an example in the photo, Crow People of Plains tribe, or others such as the Apache Tribe, Comanche, Cheyenne Tribe, Sioux, and so on.
The term containing the word “India” is not too accepted as an inclusion of the self term for the people mentioned above who inhabit the Americas today. This is because the word “India” is confusing, which can refer to people who came from India in Asia, moved by nationality or had such ancestry, or both.
This widespread confusion stems from the confusion of a sailor named Christopher Columbus who was so sure he had found India or to be more precise with the term “Indies”, namely the segment of the islands in Asia.
At least in my experience, with our teaching and social studies books in elementary, middle, high school, or even advanced, are not appropriate to present the material that Christopher Columbus was the first to discover the Americas, because originally he did not discover it the first (that’s for sure) or even “did not find” the Americas (quote marks are intentional, the story is long, look it up yourself, for I’m too lazy to write it).
In addition to the educational material, as well as the questions that justify this answer, how I remember it well, none of the social studies teachers of this educational period tried to provide additional context or correct the content of this material. Obviously, students are better off learning a lot of things not in-depth — but a lot, than a little but comprehensively. This could also be because the aim of the educational curriculum in a particular country was and still is supposed to follow more about their own history. Not a problem, any to learn is good anyway, and anything you cannot get in one place is the other place offer of possibility.
The story is a bloody history and still greyish on moral judgment. Some Americans think the savagery life or civilization of the Native Americans is the sole reason for taking up their world — spread up the modernity of once still geographically confusing called “The West”. This is the “New World!”, the European colonies said, to the land that has original inhabitants at least 10.000 years prior and proceed to kill hundreds or not thousands — rather immediate with deadly viruses and bacteria, such as smallpox, measles, typhus, and cholera, for which Native Americans had no immunity. This then proceeds to the actual killing.
Critique of history is the critique of oneself, the humanity itself, and some Americans rather not critique anything related to this story, for it’s ironic — for it’s my predecessor, it is in my blood and there is no way to redeem this. I do not even have time to think about it now that my world it’s a world unlike yours. We believe everything must come towards the over-grandeur world of modernity.
These notions of “Developing Country” and “Developed Country”, especially how the developing countries want to be the developed ones — put America as an example, with all of its different aspects and criteria, it’s all revolving towards the materialistic view. Material is materialistic in the sense that our world needs another bigger concrete everywhere, solid things, and we cannot stop it, for we overproduced anything, especially ourselves.
Frank Zappa put a remark on America today: “We are nothing, we are culturally nothing, we mean nothing” as a country that has been going for only a hundred years compared to other countries that have thousands of years of history and culture. As a musician, Zappa pointed out examples of art, theater and drama, traditional/folk dances, and music. “It is the ethnic heritage, and these beautiful things people produce that should exist and survive, being proud of, for immense years”. America was once this way, but one rather could not grasp how it’s gonna turn out if history as we know it somehow happened differently and made its way to nowadays time.
America within the “hundred of years”, implied the beginning timeline of America was at the very moment of the period of the Native American cleansing. When you ask an American, “tell me about your country’s history”, one goes back to this rather timeline as a starter, for the earlier is probably not recorded well enough in a way accessible, let alone one’s knowledge retain of it. After all one could not even tell anything. It was a cleansing, humanity eradicating itself, and reproducing another self — rather discount version, to make somewhat what is clean for the savage civilizations.
The Great Plains, how I want to visit the Great Plains, for what it is still or what it is not anymore. The culture seems scattered, and every beauty of its derivation is slowly forgotten, yet it’s the rural, still the natural settings of America the only thing that changes my face magnitude. As if these places are not evoking any temporal feelings, as if I could see them and believe my place in time is far away back. The ultimate glitch, and I sit back and watched you slowly become accustomed just like any other of your dead comrades. Nothing is forever — but the change…