Ontology and Cultural IsolationTo question what it is to exist, in philosophical terms, is called ontology. The very praxis of ontology is culture. Based on that…Oct 9, 20222Oct 9, 20222
Cultural ProdigyThe advent and reification of human language and symbolic thought have been a disaster for the human species. Culture as to think and to…Mar 12, 20221Mar 12, 20221
Love Minus Zero/No LimitLanguage is used depending on the definition that one constituted and desired, arbitrary. It is arbitrary and differentiated with such…Feb 13, 2022Feb 13, 2022
Watermelon in Easter Hay“One of the Gods lost her earrings, and She cried profusely because of it.”Jan 17, 20221Jan 17, 20221
Music and Semiotic: A Pair Beyond Compatible?Ferdinand de Saussure began his semiotic study as a form of critique towards the linguistic system before him, which places the context of…Dec 31, 2021Dec 31, 2021
Chomsky–Foucault Debate On Human NatureMarx stated that human nature does not exist only biologically, but psychologically, by distinguishing between human nature in general, and…Dec 24, 2021Dec 24, 2021
The Concepts of Representation: Epistemological DiscourseHow do humans and their knowledge relate to the world?Dec 16, 2021Dec 16, 2021
Dream, Time, and RecollectionIt strikes my motive the first time — regarding dream, time, and recollection, when I read several great works from where the credit is…Dec 10, 2021Dec 10, 2021